Thursday 12 January 2012

Yummo Lamb Curry

Lamb is my favourite and my kids enjoy it too!
It tastes good no matter how you prepare it and it's done in 30 - 40 minutes.

I cook my curries a little differently from the traditional ways. I know you will enjoy this one!

What you will need:

Lamb pieces - 1kg sliced in small pieces
Vegetable oil - 1/4 cup
Tomatoes - 2 whole
Onion - 1 Large
Soomph - 2 pinches
2 Bay leafs
Cinnamon Sticks - 2
Star Anise - 3 pieces broken off
Cloves - 3-4
Cumin Seeds - 1 Pinch
Crushed Garlic - 1T
Ginger and Garlic paste - 1T
Garam Masala - 1t
Tumeric Powder - 1/2 t
Chilli Powder - 2T (Increase qty if you like the heat or decrease it if you like it mild)
Crushed Chilli - 1t
Course Salt
Potatoes - 3 cut in halves or quaters(Optional)
Curry Leaf - 1 stem (Optional)
Coriander for garnish - (Optional)

Ingredients may look a lot, but if you enjoy curries, it is so worth it! You can get all of these ingredients at any store.

Lets cook -

In you pot, add your oil, soomph, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cumin seeds, bay leaf and cloves, broken in half (You can find all of these spices in a breyani mix). Let this fry off in low heat. You really dont want to burn these spices. Once a little browned, throw in your sliced onions and chopped tomatoes. This needs to braise a little until your onions are a little transparent and tomatoes are mushy. Add a little water if necessary.

Now, add in your tumeric powder, garam masala, crushed chilli and chilli powder. Do not let this burn, turn down the heat if you have to. Burnt masala will spoil your curry. Let this simmer for a couple of minutes. Add a little water to help it along.

Add in your lamb peices, ginger and garlic paste and salt to taste. Taste for salt as you cook. Let this braise for a few minutes. Add a cup of water to let cook.

The hard part is over. Stir occasionally, ensuring that it doesnt burn or stick to the bottom of the pot. If it does, add a little water.

When you feel your lamb is nearly done, you can add in your potatoes. By the time your potatoes are soft, your lamb will be well cooked. Add salt if required. Letting it simmer down will allow for thick gravy. Once you have that, you can add your crushed garlic and curry leaf, stir and remove from heat.

Let it rest for 5 minutes and garnish with coriander. Your yummo Lamb Curry is ready for serving with rice or roti or just on its own. My mouth is!

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