About Me

Born in Durban, I grew up with eating curries everyday. Unfortunately, curries and Breyanis on special occasions at my parent's home was limited to Veg, Mutton, fish and Chicken. On the odd occasion, we would have maybe mince, lamb chops or roasts.

My passion for cooking started early thanks to my aunt who thought me the basics when I was 12.Cooking a meal at my parent's home was never an option or priviledge. Getting married at the age of 20 (I know!!), I was able to experiment in my own kitchen (eventually). Often disasterous, but I was able to revive it somehow....lol!

Tired of cooking curries all the time I ventured into the Western world of cooking....and I love it!!

Today, a single mom (not because of my cooking...lol),I cook everyday, curries at least twice a week. Dinners at my home can be anything from pastas, bakes, roasts, braais, pizzas, paellas...I can go on....

 Don't know what it is about me, but my friends just never saw/see me as someone who cooks or someone who goes near or able to operate a stove...lol!!!...

That's one of the reason's why I enjoy throwing dinner parties.... It's my time to shine and prove to my guests that I can cook....lol!

Cooking relaxes me....baking even more. Sunday's are my baking day...mostly cakes and sometimes biscuits...

I have my own organic garden at home, growing tomatoes, spinach, chillies, curry leaf, capsicums, eggplants, parsley, thyme, coriander, mint, lettuce and rosemary. You feel proud having to use your own grown veg in your cooking, I love it!

Knowing your ingredients will do anyone alot of good especially if you are an experimental cook like me. Knowing your flavours, textures and smells is very important, and its ok to taste test ;)

I enjoy watching the Food Network and BBC Lifestyle channels...ideas, ideas!!!

My fav chefs of all time are:

James Martin - he's gorgeous and can bake too
Nigella - Love her easy cooking methods
Gordan Ramsey - My idol
Guy Fierie and Aarti Sequiera

It is my dream to have my own cooking show or even my own cookbook published....pipe dreams...maybe!